The TeamscaleClient#
- class TeamscaleClient(url: str, username: str, access_token: str, project: str, sslverify: bool = True, timeout: float = 30.0, branch: str | None = None)[source]#
Basic Python service client to access Teamscale’s REST Api.
Request handling done with:
- Parameters:
url – The url to Teamscale (including the port)
username – The username to use for authentication
access_token – The IDE access token to use for authentication
project – The id of the project on which to work
sslverify – See requests’ verify parameter in
timeout – TTFB timeout in seconds, see
branch – The branch name for which to upload/retrieve data
The Teamscale API Version for which the current implementation is designed
- add_baseline(baseline: Baseline) Response [source]#
Adds a baseline to the currently active project. Re-adding an existing baseline will update the original baseline.
- Parameters:
baseline – The baseline that is to be added (or updated)
- Returns:
object generated by the upload request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- add_finding_descriptions(descriptions: List[FindingDescription]) Response [source]#
Adds descriptions of findings.
- Parameters:
descriptions – List of
to add to Teamscale.- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- add_findings_group(name: str, mapping_pattern: str) Response [source]#
Adds group of findings.
- Parameters:
name – Name of group.
mapping_pattern – Regular expression to match a finding’s
in order to belong to this group.
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- add_issue_metric(name: str, issue_query: str) Response [source]#
Adds group of findings.
- Parameters:
name – Name of issue metric
issue_query – The issue query to add
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- add_metric_descriptions(metric_descriptions: List[MetricDescription]) Response [source]#
Uploads metric definitions to Teamscale.
- Parameters:
metric_descriptions – List of metric descriptions to add to Teamscale.
- Returns:
object generated by the request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- add_task_comment(task_id: str, comment: str) Response [source]#
Adds a comment to a task.
- Parameters:
task_id – the task id to which to add the comment
comment – the comment to add
- Returns:
object generated by the request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
Uses Teamscale’s internal API and not the versioned API!
- check_api_version() None [source]#
Verifies the server’s api version and connectivity.
- Raises:
ServiceError – If the version does not match or the server cannot be found.
- create_dashboard(dashboard_descriptor: str) Response [source]#
Adds a new dashboard from the given template.
- Parameters:
dashboard_descriptor (str) – The dashboard descriptor that should be uploaded
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- create_project(project_configuration: ProjectConfiguration, skip_project_validation: bool = False) Response [source]#
Creates a project with the specified configuration in Teamscale. The parameter skip_project_validation specifies, whether to skip the validation of the project.
- Parameters:
project_configuration – The configuration for the project to be created.
skip_project_validation – Whether to skip validation of the project.
- Returns:
object generated by the upload request.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong.
- delete(url: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Sends a DELETE request to the given service url.
- Parameters:
url – The URL for which to execute a DELETE request
**kwargs – passed to requests library (examples see below)
- Keyword Arguments:
params – parameters to attach to the url
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- delete_baseline(baseline_name: str) Response [source]#
Deletes a baseline from the currently active project.
- Parameters:
baseline_name – The baseline that is to be removed.
- Returns:
object generated by the upload request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- static from_client_config(config: TeamscaleClientConfig, sslverify: bool = True, timeout: float = 30.0, branch: str | None = None) TeamscaleClient [source]#
Creates a new Teamscale client from a TeamscaleClientConfig object.
- Parameters:
config – The client configuration to use.
sslverify – See requests’ verify parameter in
timeout – TTFB timeout in seconds, see
branch – The branch name for which to upload/retrieve data
- get(url: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Sends a GET request to the given service url.
- Parameters:
url – The URL for which to execute a GET request
**kwargs – passed to requests library (examples see below)
- Keyword Arguments:
params – parameters to attach to the url
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- get_architectures() List[str] [source]#
Returns the paths of all architecture in the project.
- Returns:
The architecture names.
- get_baselines() List[Baseline] [source]#
Retrieves a list of baselines from the server for the currently active project.
- Returns:
The list of baselines.
- Return type:
])- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- get_commit_for_revision(revision_id: str) str [source]#
Retrieves the Teamscale commit corresponding to a revision, raising an error if the commit is not known to Teamscale.
- Parameters:
revision_id – The revision ID (e.g., commit SHA)
- Returns:
The teamscale commit
- Return type:
- get_finding_by_id(finding_id, branch=None, timestamp=None)[source]#
Retrieves the finding with the given id.
- Parameters:
finding_id (str) – The id of the finding to retrieve.
branch (str) – The branch from which the finding should be retrieved.
timestamp (datetime.datetime) – The timestamp (unix format) for which to receive the finding.
- Returns:
The retrieved finding.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- get_findings(uniform_path: str, timestamp: datetime, revision_id: str | None = None, filter: FileFindings | None = None, invert: bool = False, assessment_filters: List[Assessment] | None = None) List[Finding] [source]#
Retrieves the list of findings in the currently active project for the given uniform path at the provided timestamp on the given branch.
- Parameters:
uniform_path – The uniform path to get findings for.
timestamp – timestamp (unix format) for which to upload the data
revision_id – If provided, the client will first resolve the ID (e.g., commit hash) to a Teamscale commit and retrieve the findings for the corresponding branch.
filter – The finding category, group, and type filters. Every string must be either a single category, a combination category/group, or a type ID. If a category or group is given, all matching findings will be filtered out and not included in the result.
invert – Whether to invert the category, group, type filters, i.e. including the elements given in the filters instead of excluding them.
assessment_filters – The assessment filter. All mentioned assessment colors will be filtered out and not included in the result.
- Returns:
The list of findings.
- Return type:
])- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- get_precommit_analysis_results() Tuple[List[Finding], ...] [source]#
Gets precommit analysis results.
- Returns:
added findings, findings in changed code, and removed findings.
- Return type:
A tuple consisting of three lists
- get_project_configuration(project_id: str) Dict [source]#
Returns the configuration for a given project.
- Parameters:
project_id – The id for which the project configuration should be retrieved
- Returns:
The project configuration as json dictionary
- Return type:
- get_projects() List[ProjectInfo] [source]#
Retrieves a list of projects from the server.
- Returns:
The list of projects.
- Return type:
])- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- get_tasks(status: TaskStatus = TaskStatus.OPEN, details: bool = True, start: int = 0, max: int = 300) List[Task] [source]#
Retrieves the tasks for the client’s project from the server.
- Parameters:
status – The status to retrieve tickets for
details – Whether to retrieve details together with the tasks
start – From which task number to start listing tasks
max – Maximum number of tasks to return
- Returns:
The list of tasks.
- Return type:
])- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
Uses Teamscale’s internal API and not the versioned API!
- post(url: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Sends a POST request to the given service url with the json payload as content.
- Parameters:
url – The URL for which to execute a POST request
**kwargs – passed to requests library (examples see below)
- Keyword Arguments:
json – The Object to attach as content, will be serialized to json (only for object that can be serialized by default)
params – parameters to attach to the url
data – The data object to be attached to the request
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- put(url: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Sends a PUT request to the given service url with the json payload as content.
- Parameters:
url – The URL for which to execute a PUT request
**kwargs – passed to requests library (examples see below)
- Keyword Arguments:
json – The Object to attach as content, will be serialized to json (only for object that can be serialized by default)
params – parameters to attach to the url
data – The data object to be attached to the request
- Returns:
request’s response
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- classmethod read_json_from_file(file_path: str) Any [source]#
Reads JSON content from a file and parses it to ensure basic integrity.
- Parameters:
file_path – File from which to read the JSON content.
- Returns:
The parsed JSON data.
- set_project(project: str) None [source]#
Sets the project id for subsequent calls made using the client.
- update_findings_schema()[source]#
Triggers refresh of finding groups in analysis profiles.
Uses Teamscale’s internal API and not the versioned API!
- update_project(project_configuration: ProjectConfiguration, skip_project_validation: bool = False) Response [source]#
- Updates an existing project in Teamscale with the given configuration. This may trigger a reanalysis of the
project if the changes require it. The id of the existing project is taken from the configuration. The parameter skip_project_validation specifies, whether to skip the validation of the project.
- Parameters:
project_configuration – The configuration for the project to be updated.
skip_project_validation – Whether to skip validation of the project.
- Returns:
object generated by the upload request.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong.
- upload_architectures(architectures: Dict, message: str, architecture_format: ArchitectureFormats = ArchitectureFormats.FILE_LIST, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Upload architectures to Teamscale. It is expected that the given architectures can be read from the filesystem.
- Parameters:
architectures – mapping of teamscale paths to architecture files that should be uploaded. Files must be readable.
message – The message to use for the generated upload commit
architecture_format – the architecture file format
**kwargs – one of timestamp (datetime.datetime) or revision (str), optionally repository (str) if revision is passed, template for architecture (str)
- Returns:
object generated by the request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- upload_coverage_data(coverage_files: List[str], coverage_format: CoverageFormats, message: str, partition: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Upload coverage reports to Teamscale. It is expected that the given coverage report files can be read from the filesystem.
- Parameters:
coverage_files – list of coverage filenames (strings!) that should be uploaded. Files must be readable.
coverage_format – the format to use
message – The message to use for the generated upload commit
partition – The partition’s name into which the data should be added (See also: FAQ - Partitions).
**kwargs – timestamp (datetime.datetime) or revision (str), optionally repository (str) if revision is passed
- Returns:
object generated by the request
- Return type:
This is basically a wrapper method for upload_report(..)
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- upload_files_for_precommit_analysis(timestamp: datetime, precommit_data: Dict) Response [source]#
Uploads the provided files for precommit analysis.
- Parameters:
timestamp – The timestamp of the parent commit.
precommit_data – The content and paths of added, modified and removed files. The dictionary should contain a key “deletedUniformPaths” mapping to str and “uniformPathToContentMap” mapping to an object
- upload_findings(findings: List[FileFindings], message: str, partition: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Uploads a list of findings
- Parameters:
findings – the findings data
message – The message to use for the generated upload commit
partition – The partition’s names into which the findings should be added (See also: FAQ - Partitions).
**kwargs – timestamp (datetime.datetime) or revision (str), optionally repository (str) if revision is passed
- Returns:
object generated by the request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- upload_metrics(metrics: List[MetricEntry], message: str, partition: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Uploads a list of metrics
- Parameters:
metrics – metrics data
message – The message to use for the generated upload commit
partition – The partition’s name into which the metrics should be added (See also: FAQ - Partitions).
**kwargs – timestamp (datetime.datetime) or revision (str), optionally repository (str) if revision is passed
- Returns:
object generated by the upload request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- upload_non_code_metrics(metrics: List[NonCodeMetricEntry], message: str, partition: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
Uploads a list of non-code metrics
- Parameters:
metrics – metrics data
message – The message to use for the generated upload commit
partition – The partition’s name into which the metrics should be added (See also: FAQ - Partitions).
**kwargs – timestamp (datetime.datetime) or revision (str), optionally repository (str) if revision is passed
- Returns:
object generated by the upload request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- upload_report(report_files: List[str], report_format: ReportFormats | CoverageFormats | UnitTestReportFormats, message: str, partition: str, **kwargs) Response [source]#
- Upload reports from external tools to Teamscale. It is expected that the given report files can be read from
the filesystem.
- Parameters:
report_files – list of filenames (strings!) that should be uploaded. Files must be readable.
report_format – the format to use
message – The message to use for the generated upload commit
partition – The partition’s name into which the data should be added (See also: FAQ - Partitions).
**kwargs – see below, one of the following is required: timestamp or revision
- Keyword Arguments:
timestamp (datetime.datetime) – timestamp (unix format) for which to upload the data
revision (str) – a revision, can be given instead of a timestamp
repository (str) – When using the revision parameter, this parameter allows to pass a repository name which is used to identify the correct commit in situations where the same revision exists in multiple repositories.
movetolastcommit (bool) – True to automatically adjust this commit to be the latest otherwise False. Default is True
- Returns:
object generated by the request
- Return type:
- Raises:
ServiceError – If anything goes wrong
- class TeamscaleClientConfig(url, username, access_token, project='')[source]#
Configuration parameters for connections to Teamscale
In order to configure a Teamscale client, the config file must at least provide the following entries: * url: The url of the Teamscale server. * username: The username to use to perform API calls * access_token: The access token to use.
The config file can also specify a project id. If no project id is specified, ‘’ is used in case project_required is False. A TeamscaleClient created using a configuration without project id will only perform global calls.
- static from_config_file(config_file)[source]#
Reads a Teamscale client configuration from the specified file.
- Parameters:
config_file (str) – Path of the client configuration to use.